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Look No Further for Your Real Estate Tips

Whether you plan to rent, buy or sell property, finding the information you need to get started isn't easy. There are so many things to learn about real estate that it can easily overwhelm you. I was in the same place a few years ago. I wanted to purchase my first home but didn't know where to look for investment ideas. But after months of research, I finally found the information I needed to purchase the perfect home. My blog offers valuable real estate tips every homeowner and investor needs to know. You learn what to look for in the ideal property, as well as how to complete important paperwork and apply for loans. Thanks for reading and good luck with your investments.


5 Reasons You Need A Pool Home In 2020 And Beyond

Are you in the market for a home in 2020 or 2021? If so, you have more reasons than ever to opt for a house with a backyard pool. Why? Here are some of the many ways it can improve your living experience.

1. Outdoor Gatherings Can Be Safer

Most Americans are looking for safer ways to have fun with their small group of family and friends. Many experts recommend taking these gatherings outside whenever possible and practicing social distancing where feasible. A heated pool is an easy way to get your family and guests outdoors. It can even be used to promote backyard social distancing while enjoying each other's company. 

2. You Can Have Inexpensive Fun

Once a pool is in place, it provides a great location for home-based entertainment. From cheap daytime pool parties for the kids to homemade cocktails served in the soft glow of the pool and its beautiful lighting, you can have a good time without breaking the bank. 

3. A Pool Is an Exercise Center

With people limited in their choice of activities for the foreseeable future, getting enough sun and exercise is vital. A pool of any shape or size gets you outside and moving. Homeowners can opt for anything from a compact swim pool to a large pool to facilitate healthy play. Along with the pool itself, you can also make the area a wellness focal point with fitness equipment, outdoor studios, and play areas. 

4. Pool Homes Hold Value

Want a way to help ensure your property holds its value better for future sales? Even before the pandemic drove everyone into their homes, backyard pools routinely increased the selling price of a home. This perennial favorite is now one of the features that many buyers are actively looking for — and is likely to remain that way for some time. 

5. Your Backyard Is Refreshing

Your home should be a haven during the pandemic, and a swimming pool helps yours become one. Water relaxes people. A well-planned pool area is a dramatic and beautiful background for the home. And you can create the exact backyard pool area that fits your unique personality without having to worry about others' opinions. It's a personal oasis designed just for you. 

Whether you want to add fun in the sun to your backyard, increase your resale value, or just update your personal space, a pool is one of the best ways to go about it. Learn more about pool home options by meeting with a real estate agent in your area today.